Discover the Sweet Side of Vietnam: Top 10 Vietnamese Desserts

Why Go to Vietnam?

Vietnam is a beautiful country known for its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and incredible food. One of the highlights of Vietnamese cuisine is its wide array of desserts. From refreshing iced treats to warm baked goodies, Vietnamese desserts offer a unique and delicious experience. Whether you’re exploring bustling cities or serene countryside, you’ll find plenty of sweet treats to satisfy your cravings. Here’s why you should explore Vietnamese desserts and what you can expect during your culinary adventure.

What to Do in Vietnam?

Explore Street Markets

Vietnamese street markets are vibrant places where you can find a variety of local foods, including desserts. These markets are a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture and try traditional Vietnamese sweets.

Visit Local Cafes and Bakeries

Local cafes and bakeries in Vietnam offer a cozy atmosphere and a chance to enjoy freshly made desserts. Many of these places have been family-run for generations, providing authentic and delicious treats.

Take a Cooking Class

Taking a cooking class is a fun and interactive way to learn how to make Vietnamese desserts. You’ll not only get to taste these delicious sweets but also learn the skills to recreate them at home.

Join Food Tours

Food tours are an excellent way to explore the diverse flavors of Vietnamese cuisine, including its desserts. Guided by local experts, you’ll visit popular spots and hidden gems, tasting the best sweets Vietnam has to offer.

Where to Stay in Vietnam?

Boutique Hotels

Vietnam is home to many charming boutique hotels that offer a comfortable and stylish stay. These hotels often provide personalized service and a unique local experience.

Guesthouses and Homestays

For a more authentic experience, consider staying in a guesthouse or homestay. These accommodations offer a chance to live like a local and enjoy home-cooked meals, including traditional desserts.

Luxury Resorts

If you’re looking for a more luxurious stay, Vietnam has many high-end resorts that offer world-class amenities and stunning views. These resorts often have excellent restaurants where you can try gourmet versions of traditional desserts.

Where to Eat and Drink in Vietnam?

Street Food Stalls

Vietnamese street food stalls are famous for their delicious and affordable food. You can find a variety of desserts at these stalls, from grilled bananas to sweet soups.

Local Restaurants

Local restaurants in Vietnam offer a wide range of dishes, including desserts. These restaurants provide a comfortable setting to enjoy a full meal, ending with a sweet treat.

Cafes and Dessert Shops

Vietnamese cafes and dessert shops are perfect places to relax and enjoy a coffee or tea with a delicious dessert. These establishments often offer a variety of traditional and modern sweets.

Top 10 Vietnamese Desserts to Try

1. Vietnamese Sweet Soup (Che)

Che is a traditional Vietnamese dessert made from various ingredients such as beans, fruits, nuts, and glutinous rice. It’s a sweet and refreshing treat, perfect for hot days. Popular variations include che Ba Mau (three colored beans) and che Thai (fruits and coconut milk). You can find che at street vendors, local markets, and restaurants all over Vietnam.

2. Yogurt with Fermented Sticky Rice (Sua Chua Nep Cam)

Sua chua nep cam combines the sourness of yogurt with the sweetness of fermented sticky rice. This dessert is made by mixing plain yogurt with fermented sticky rice, which has been soaked overnight and mixed with yeast. The result is a creamy and slightly tangy treat that’s both refreshing and healthy.

3. Vietnamese Grilled Banana (Chuoi Nep Nuong)

Chuoi nep nuong is a popular street food dessert made by grilling a ripe banana coated in sticky rice flour, sugar, and coconut milk. The result is a crispy, caramelized exterior and a soft, sweet interior. Some vendors add sesame seeds or peanuts for extra flavor and texture. This dessert is typically served hot and is perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth.

4. Sticky Rice with Ice Cream (Kem Xoi)

Kem xoi combines warm sticky rice with a scoop of rich and creamy ice cream, typically coconut or durian flavored. The contrast between the warm rice and cold ice cream makes this dessert both comforting and refreshing. You can find kem xoi at street vendors and dessert shops throughout Vietnam.

5. Mung Bean Cake (Banh Dau Xanh)

Banh dau xanh is made from ground mung beans, sugar, and grapefruit flower essential oils. This soft, sweet cake is often served with tea and is a favorite during holidays and special occasions. It’s also believed to have health benefits, such as aiding digestion and promoting smooth skin.

6. Pandan Rice Cake (Banh Duc La Dua)

Banh duc la dua is a soft and chewy cake made from rice flour, pandan leaves, sugar, and coconut cream. It’s usually served with roasted peanuts, shredded coconut, or sesame seeds. This dessert is beloved for its subtle fragrance and sweetness from the pandan leaves and coconut cream.

7. Vietnamese Donuts (Banh Tieu)

Banh tieu are simple yet tasty donuts made from wheat flour, sugar, and yeast. The dough is deep-fried until crispy and golden brown, with a slightly sweet exterior and fluffy interior. These donuts can be eaten plain or filled with sweet bean paste, coconut, or sesame seeds. They are often paired with hot soy milk or Vietnamese coffee.

8. Tofu Pudding (Tao Pho)

Tao pho has a silky smooth texture and a delicate, refreshing taste. Traditionally made with soybeans, jasmine sugar syrup, and ice, it can now include toppings like grass jelly, tapioca pearls, shredded coconut, and dried coconut. In winter, tao pho is served warm with fresh ginger instead of ice.

9. Honeycomb Cake (Banh Bo)

Banh bo is a steamed cake made from rice flour, sugar, water, and yeast, giving it a unique honeycomb structure. Flavored with ingredients like pandan or coconut, this cake is popular in the Mekong Delta region and often enjoyed at festivals and celebrations.

10. Banh Pia

Banh pia is a flaky pastry from southern Vietnam made by mixing wheat flour, lard, and sugar, then folding and rolling the dough to create layers. Filled with mung bean, taro, or durian, this pastry has a slightly sweet and buttery flavor. It’s often served as a snack with tea or coffee and makes a popular gift.


Vietnamese desserts offer a delightful array of flavors and textures that are sure to please any sweet tooth. From the refreshing che to the comforting banh dau xanh, there is something for everyone to enjoy. So, next time you find yourself in Vietnam, be sure to indulge in these top 10 Vietnamese desserts for an unforgettable culinary experience!

Where to Find These Desserts?

Street Vendors

One of the best places to find Vietnamese desserts is at street vendors. These vendors offer a variety of freshly made sweets at affordable prices. Be sure to try the grilled bananas and che from these local sellers.

Local Markets

Markets like Ben Thanh Market in Ho Chi Minh City and Dong Xuan Market in Hanoi are great places to find traditional Vietnamese desserts. These markets are bustling with vendors selling all kinds of sweet treats.

Dessert Shops and Cafes

Many cafes and dessert shops in Vietnam specialize in traditional and modern desserts. These places offer a comfortable setting to enjoy a sweet treat with a cup of Vietnamese coffee or tea.


Local restaurants often include desserts in their menus. After enjoying a savory meal, you can indulge in a traditional dessert to complete your dining experience.

Tips for Enjoying Vietnamese Desserts

Try New Flavors

Vietnamese desserts often include ingredients that may be unfamiliar to you, such as mung beans, pandan leaves, and durian. Be open to trying new flavors and textures.

Pair with Vietnamese Coffee

Vietnamese coffee is rich and strong, making it a perfect pairing with sweet desserts. Try a cup of traditional Vietnamese coffee with your sweet treat.

Share with Friends

Many Vietnamese desserts are served in generous portions, making them perfect for sharing. Enjoying these treats with friends or family can enhance the experience.

Visit During Festivals

Vietnamese festivals, such as Tet (Lunar New Year) and Mid-Autumn Festival, are great times to visit if you want to try special holiday desserts that are not always available year-round.

By exploring these delicious Vietnamese desserts, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for Vietnam’s rich culinary traditions. From street vendors to high-end restaurants, there’s no shortage of places to satisfy your sweet tooth in Vietnam. Happy eating!

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